Senin, 02 November 2009

aQuuu tanpa dy di hari ke 2

hmm ,,, tanpa dia aQ harus tetep bs berdiri ,, toh disana dia berjuang bwt aq juja di kedepannya ( haha ~ ngareepp ) babby huey ,, tx v0 all the love u give ... i Learn much things becoZ ov u

my future is you ...

How can i know so surely that i'll Love you

No matter what the future has in store?
Time is like a cave in which our torches
Show only the circumference of our minds.

But love is will far more than it is passion,
Though passion may at first sustain the will.
One chooses love the way one chooses faith
Because that is the way that heaven lies.

My Love for you is faster than the ocean,
More rich in loveliness than coral seas.
I could no more relinquish it than let go
Willingly the precious gift of life...

when u go so far from me ...

When it hurts so bad,why does it feel so good?
I wish this all made sense
I wish i understood
Not having you here with me is tearing me up inside,
but i can't stop thinking about u no matter how hard i try

You know how i feel about you,
and i know want to spend the rest of my life with you,
but it's so hard to do when u go so far from me
Why does it gotta be so complicated?

Loving you feels so right,
but at the same time,
knowing i can't have you keeps me awake at night.
I just want this to be simple,
I just want you here with me,
to look into your eyes,
be held in your arms...then i'd truly be happy

Right now this distance between us is out of our control,
but I'm still hoping one day soon,
I'll get what I'm wishing for When it hurts so bad,
why does it feel so good?
I wish this all made sense,
I wish I understood.
Not having you here with me is tearing me up inside,
but I can't stop thinking about you no matter how hard I try.

You know how I feel about you,
and I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you,
but it's so hard to do when I can't even be next to you.
Why does it gotta be so complicated?

Loving you feels so right,
but at the same time,
knowing i can't have you keeps me awake at night.
I just want this to be simple,
I just want you here with me,
to look into your eyes,
be held in your arms...then i'd truly be happy.

Right now this distance between us is out of our control,
but I'm still hoping one day soon,
I'll get what I'm wishing for ...

5 Tips for Long Distance Relationship

1. Use a web cam

A web cam is a great way to interact with your mate while you are apart. Connect your web cam to your computer and use your favorite messaging utility (MSN, Yahoo, AOL, etc.) and not only will you be able to hear your mate, but you will also be able to see your mate.

2. Take pictures of everyday activities and send them to your mate A picture is worth a thousand words and can help you and your mate feel closer together in your long distance relationship. Today, with most cell phones equipped with a digital camera and cameras small enough to fit in your pocket, it’s very easy and convenient to take pictures and email them to your mate.

3. Send gifts to your mate’s from their local country or city

You can save a lot of money by searching the Internet for local companies to buy from and deliver your gifts. For example, if you are living in the United States and your mate is from Italy, find an Italian company that has the great gift that you want to send to your mate. In most cases, you will save on international shipping costs and you might even save on the currency exchange rate. Also, a local company will be able to deliver a gift much quicker for those last minute shoppers.

4. Use text-messaging capability to keep in touch more frequently

Text messaging can be a simple was to keep in touch with your mate in a long distance relationship. For those across the border relationships, this can also be an inexpensive way to communicate. It’s not always convenient to call, so text messages are a good alternative. You can send good night messages or little love notes throughout the day.

5. Trust your mate

Ideas of mistrust can easily seep into the minds of those involved in a long distance relationship because you don’t get to physically see your mate. They may be saying that they are not seeing anyone else, but how do you know that for sure hundreds or even thousands of miles away? This mistrust can ultimately lead to the relationship ending. You should approach the trust issue in a long distance relationship the same way as you would in a normal relationship. If there is no indication or evidence of cheating, it is most likely not happening.


Minggu, 01 November 2009

i'm stiLL can't speak ov this condition :(

ketika terbangun dr tidur , aq terhenyak seakan tersadar hari ni berbeda dr hari - hari sebeLumnya , tak ada Lagi waktu bersamanya

yah , suara dering teLf yg membangunkanku dan ku dengar suaranya , support darinya sedikit menghiburku

dan aq memandangi penggantinya .. sekelompok makhluk kecil yg lucu yg ia tinggaLkan tuk tmaniku :)

yah , aQ memang beLum bisa hentikan rintik tangis ini ...


aQ coba obati smua ini dengan me rewind kembaLi smua kenangan itu dalam benakku sambiL meLihat gambar yang ku simpan manis ...

aarrgghh , kesaLnya aQ knapa saat tak ada dia aq get sick ...

yah aq ingin mrasakan lagi peLuk hangatnya seperti saat terakhir itu

i miss u so damn Babby Huey

Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009

peraSaan yang menganggu

What greater thing is there for two human souls that to feel that they are joined... to strengthen each other... to be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories ~ George Eliot

entah kenapa perasaan dan semua tetek bengek fikiran ini terus mengganggu ku , membuat insom menjadi bersorak gembira karena berhasil menganggu malam - malam ku ...

i hates this part , a part in my life .. when a time bring me a full happines feel wih him , time put him go from me ...

yah , aQ harus menerima kenyataan , toh
yg dia akan tuju sebuah masa depan yg akan baik buat ku .. tapi kenapa fikiran buruk kadang mengganggu saya ,,,

apa yg akan dia lakukan disana
apa yg akan terjadi saat qt berjauhan apa dy akan setia seperti aq setia menungunya disini

inilah yg aku benci dr sebuah perasaan ,, yah perasaan yg mendaLam ,, membuat fikiran buruk merasukiku atas sebuah dasar kecemburuan yang menurutku justru tak mendasaR ...

sebenarnya aQ taw apa yg akan aQ lakukan dan apa yg harus aQ lakukan ...

haha , tp entah kenapa sebuah fikiran busuk kadang menghampiriku ... Arrrgggghhhhhhh !!!!!!

hmmm , YA ALLAH tolong
beri aq kesabaran tuk menahan smua perasaan ini ... berikanLah aQ fikiran yg bersih sLama dy di sana ... dan berikan aQ kekuatan tuk menghadapi apapun yg terjadi nanti ... aQ tuLus mencintainya dan aQ ingin sesuatu menjadi indah pada saatnya nanti ^.^

Love puts the fun in together, the sad in apart, and the joy in a heart.

haPp anniversary dear ♥

anniv kaLi ini trasa b'beda dr biasanya ...

aQ bahagia juga sedih ..

yaa,, di hari ini dy perLakukan aQ sangad istimewa :)

tp kLu ingad ini adaLah hr trkhirku mhabiskan waktu bsamanya . huffttt ... air mata pun ikut turun menghiburku ...

aQ hanya bS berdoa ,, semoga apa yg aQ dan dia jaLankan akan berakhir bahagia bwt Qt berdua ..

dan kerikiL apapun yg mhaLangi Qt ,, bs Qt hadapi bersama :)

i ♥ u Ba
bby Huey ...

our memories in here , never been erased